
March 3rd, 2022

Geranium has such a beautiful aroma and strength for surviving. I was so surprised to find small babies even into a flower pot! I really love this aroma, it makes me elegant feelings. Many of my clients love this essential oils. So why don't you try real plant? I really recommend you to feel fresh geranium aroma at home.

Geranium has effect for anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, sedative, anxiety-reducing, and muscle-relaxing properties. It also facilitates blood circulation and eases breathing.(RM①)
Also, it has lower stress levels, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, ease digestion, and improve kidney, skin, and hair health. It has potentially antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties, which help heal wounds faster.(RM②)

Enjoy your beautiful spring day!

RM① Effect of Inhalation of Aroma of Geranium Essence on Anxiety and Physiological Parameters during First Stage of Labor in Nulliparous Women: a Randomized Clinical Trial by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences)
RM② Amazing Benefits Of Geranium by Organic fact

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